This program is a fantastic Math expression parser which will take your expression and give you the result. It is a console based application and all type of complex expressions are supported with user friendly error messages. The exception handler class is separated from the main parser class. First let’s have a look at the Parser class –
/*** Math Expression parser Description: This Program is a simple Math expression evalutaor written in java. */ import java.util.*; /** * @author Tapas * */ public class Parser { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; Parser prs = new Parser(); String expr; System.out.println("Enter an expression and press Enter to calculate the result."); System.out.println("Enter an empty expression to quit."); System.out.println(""); do { // request an expression System.out.print("> "); expr = in.nextLine(); if (expr.length() > 0) { // evaluate the expression String result = prs.parse(expr); System.out.println("\t" + result); } } while (expr.length() > 0); } // private data private String expr; // holds the expression private int expr_pos; // points to the current position in expr private char expr_c; // holds the current character from expr private String token; // holds the token private TOKENTYPE token_type; // type of the token private double ans; // holds the result of the expression private String ans_str; // holds a string containing the result of the expression // list with variables defined by user private Mapuser_var = new HashMap (); // private enumerations private enum TOKENTYPE { NOTHING, DELIMETER, NUMBER, VARIABLE, FUNCTION, UNKNOWN } private enum OPERATOR { UNKNOWN, AND, OR, BITSHIFTLEFT, BITSHIFTRIGHT, EQUAL, UNEQUAL, SMALLER, LARGER, SMALLEREQ, LARGEREQ, PLUS, MINUS, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE, MODULUS, XOR, POW, FACTORIAL } /** * Initializes all data with zeros and empty strings */ Parser() { expr = ""; expr_pos = -1; expr_c = '\0'; token = ""; token_type = TOKENTYPE.NOTHING; } /** * parses and evaluates the given expression On ParseError, an ParseError of type * ParseError is thrown */ String parse(final String new_expr) { try { // initialize all variables expr = new_expr; // copy the given expression to expr ans = 0.0; // get the first character in expr getFirstChar(); getToken(); // check whether the given expression is empty if (token_type == TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER && expr_c == '\0') { throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 4); } ans = parse_level1(); // check for garbage at the end of the expression if (token_type != TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER || token.length() > 0) { if (token_type == TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER) { // user entered a not existing operator like "//" throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 101, token); } else { throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 5, token); } } // add the answer to memory as variable "Ans" user_var.put(new String("ANS"), new Double(ans)); ans_str = String.format("Ans = %g", ans); } catch (ParseError err) { ans_str = err.get(); } return ans_str; } /** * Shortcut for getting the current row value (one based) Returns the line * of the currently handled expression */ int row() { return -1; } /** * Shortcut for getting the current col value (one based) Returns the column * (position) where the last token starts */ int col() { return expr_pos - token.length() + 1; } /** * checks if the given char c is a minus */ boolean isMinus(final char c) { return c == '-'; } /** * checks if the given char c is whitespace whitespace when space chr(32) or * tab chr(9) */ boolean isWhiteSpace(final char c) { return c == 32 || c == 9; // space or tab } /** * checks if the given char c is a delimeter minus is checked apart, can be * unary minus */ boolean isDelimeter(final char c) { return "&|<>=+/*%^!".indexOf(c) != -1; } /** * checks if the given char c is NO delimeter */ boolean isNotDelimeter(final char c) { return "&|<>=+-/*%^!()".indexOf(c) != -1; } /** * checks if the given char c is a letter or undersquare */ boolean isAlpha(final char c) { char cUpper = Character.toUpperCase(c); return "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_".indexOf(cUpper) != -1; } /** * checks if the given char c is a digit or dot */ boolean isDigitDot(final char c) { return "0123456789.".indexOf(c) != -1; } /** * checks if the given char c is a digit */ boolean isDigit(final char c) { return "0123456789".indexOf(c) != -1; } /** * checks if the given variable name is legal to use, i.e. not equal to * "pi", "e", etc. */ boolean isLegalVariableName(String name) { String nameUpper = name.toUpperCase(); if (nameUpper.equals("E")) return false; if (nameUpper.equals("PI")) return false; return true; } /** * Get the next character from the expression. The character is stored into * the char expr_c. If the end of the expression is reached, the function * puts zero ('\0') in expr_c. */ void getChar() { expr_pos++; if (expr_pos < expr.length()) { expr_c = expr.charAt(expr_pos); } else { expr_c = '\0'; } } /** * Get the first character from the expression. The character is stored into * the char expr_c. If the end of the expression is reached, the function * puts zero ('\0') in expr_c. */ void getFirstChar() { expr_pos = 0; if (expr_pos < expr.length()) { expr_c = expr.charAt(expr_pos); } else { expr_c = '\0'; } } /*** * Get next token in the current string expr. Uses the Parser data expr, e, * token, t, token_type and err */ void getToken() throws ParseError { token_type = TOKENTYPE.NOTHING; token = ""; // set token empty // skip over whitespaces while (isWhiteSpace(expr_c)) // space or tab { getChar(); } // check for end of expression if (expr_c == '\0') { // token is empty token_type = TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER; return; } // check for minus if (expr_c == '-') { token_type = TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER; token += expr_c; getChar(); return; } // check for parentheses if (expr_c == '(' || expr_c == ')') { token_type = TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER; token += expr_c; getChar(); return; } // check for operators (delimeters) if (isDelimeter(expr_c)) { token_type = TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER; while (isDelimeter(expr_c)) { token += expr_c; getChar(); } return; } // check for a value if (isDigitDot(expr_c)) { token_type = TOKENTYPE.NUMBER; while (isDigitDot(expr_c)) { token += expr_c; getChar(); } // check for scientific notation like "2.3e-4" or "1.23e50" if (expr_c == 'e' || expr_c == 'E') { token += expr_c; getChar(); if (expr_c == '+' || expr_c == '-') { token += expr_c; getChar(); } while (isDigit(expr_c)) { token += expr_c; getChar(); } } return; } // check for variables or functions if (isAlpha(expr_c)) { while (isAlpha(expr_c) || isDigit(expr_c)) { token += expr_c; getChar(); } // skip whitespaces while (isWhiteSpace(expr_c)) // space or tab { getChar(); } // check the next non-whitespace character if (expr_c == '(') { token_type = TOKENTYPE.FUNCTION; } else { token_type = TOKENTYPE.VARIABLE; } return; } // something unknown is found, wrong characters -> a syntax Error token_type = TOKENTYPE.UNKNOWN; while (expr_c != '\0') { token += expr_c; getChar(); } throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 1, token); } /** * assignment of variable or function */ double parse_level1() throws ParseError { if (token_type == TOKENTYPE.VARIABLE) { // skip whitespaces while (isWhiteSpace(expr_c)) // space or tab { getChar(); } // check the next non-whitespace character if (expr_c == '=') { String var_name = token; // get the token '=' getToken(); // assignment double ans; getToken(); ans = parse_level2(); // check whether the token is a legal name if (isLegalVariableName(var_name)) { user_var.put(var_name.toUpperCase(), new Double(ans)); } else { throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 300); } return ans; } } return parse_level2(); } /** * conditional operators and bitshift */ double parse_level2() throws ParseError { OPERATOR op_id; double ans; ans = parse_level3(); op_id = get_operator_id(token); while (op_id == OPERATOR.AND || op_id == OPERATOR.OR || op_id == OPERATOR.BITSHIFTLEFT || op_id == OPERATOR.BITSHIFTRIGHT) { getToken(); ans = eval_operator(op_id, ans, parse_level3()); op_id = get_operator_id(token); } return ans; } /** * conditional operators */ double parse_level3() throws ParseError { OPERATOR op_id; double ans; ans = parse_level4(); op_id = get_operator_id(token); while (op_id == OPERATOR.EQUAL || op_id == OPERATOR.UNEQUAL || op_id == OPERATOR.SMALLER || op_id == OPERATOR.LARGER || op_id == OPERATOR.SMALLEREQ || op_id == OPERATOR.LARGEREQ) { getToken(); ans = eval_operator(op_id, ans, parse_level4()); op_id = get_operator_id(token); } return ans; } /** * add or subtract */ double parse_level4() throws ParseError { OPERATOR op_id; double ans; ans = parse_level5(); op_id = get_operator_id(token); while (op_id == OPERATOR.PLUS || op_id == OPERATOR.MINUS) { getToken(); ans = eval_operator(op_id, ans, parse_level5()); op_id = get_operator_id(token); } return ans; } /** * multiply, divide, modulus, xor */ double parse_level5() throws ParseError { OPERATOR op_id; double ans; ans = parse_level6(); op_id = get_operator_id(token); while (op_id == OPERATOR.MULTIPLY || op_id == OPERATOR.DIVIDE || op_id == OPERATOR.MODULUS || op_id == OPERATOR.XOR) { getToken(); ans = eval_operator(op_id, ans, parse_level6()); op_id = get_operator_id(token); } return ans; } /** * power */ double parse_level6() throws ParseError { OPERATOR op_id; double ans; ans = parse_level7(); op_id = get_operator_id(token); while (op_id == OPERATOR.POW) { getToken(); ans = eval_operator(op_id, ans, parse_level7()); op_id = get_operator_id(token); } return ans; } /** * Factorial */ double parse_level7() throws ParseError { OPERATOR op_id; double ans; ans = parse_level8(); op_id = get_operator_id(token); while (op_id == OPERATOR.FACTORIAL) { getToken(); // factorial does not need a value right from the // operator, so zero is filled in. ans = eval_operator(op_id, ans, 0.0); op_id = get_operator_id(token); } return ans; } /** * Unary minus */ double parse_level8() throws ParseError { double ans; OPERATOR op_id = get_operator_id(token); if (op_id == OPERATOR.MINUS) { getToken(); ans = parse_level9(); ans = -ans; } else { ans = parse_level9(); } return ans; } /** * functions */ double parse_level9() throws ParseError { String fn_name; double ans; if (token_type == TOKENTYPE.FUNCTION) { fn_name = token; getToken(); ans = eval_function(fn_name, parse_level10()); } else { ans = parse_level10(); } return ans; } /** * parenthesized expression or value */ double parse_level10() throws ParseError { // check if it is a parenthesized expression if (token_type == TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER) { if (token.equals("(")) { getToken(); double ans = parse_level2(); if (token_type != TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER || !token.equals(")")) { throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 3); } getToken(); return ans; } } // if not parenthesized then the expression is a value return parse_number(); } double parse_number() throws ParseError { double ans = 0.0; switch (token_type) { case NUMBER: // this is a number ans = Double.parseDouble(token); getToken(); break; case VARIABLE: // this is a variable ans = eval_variable(token); getToken(); break; default: // syntax error or unexpected end of expression if (token.length() == 0) { throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 6); } else { throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 7); } } return ans; } /** * returns the id of the given operator treturns -1 if the operator is not * recognized */ OPERATOR get_operator_id(final String op_name) { if (op_name.equals("&")) { return OPERATOR.AND; } if (op_name.equals("|")) { return OPERATOR.OR; } if (op_name.equals("<<")) { return OPERATOR.BITSHIFTLEFT; } if (op_name.equals(">>")) { return OPERATOR.BITSHIFTRIGHT; } if (op_name.equals("=")) { return OPERATOR.EQUAL; } if (op_name.equals("<>")) { return OPERATOR.UNEQUAL; } if (op_name.equals("<")) { return OPERATOR.SMALLER; } if (op_name.equals(">")) { return OPERATOR.LARGER; } if (op_name.equals("<=")) { return OPERATOR.SMALLEREQ; } if (op_name.equals(">=")) { return OPERATOR.LARGEREQ; } if (op_name.equals("+")) { return OPERATOR.PLUS; } if (op_name.equals("-")) { return OPERATOR.MINUS; } if (op_name.equals("*")) { return OPERATOR.MULTIPLY; } if (op_name.equals("/")) { return OPERATOR.DIVIDE; } if (op_name.equals("%")) { return OPERATOR.MODULUS; } if (op_name.equals("||")) { return OPERATOR.XOR; } if (op_name.equals("^")) { return OPERATOR.POW; } if (op_name.equals("!")) { return OPERATOR.FACTORIAL; } return OPERATOR.UNKNOWN; } /** * evaluate an operator for given valuess */ double eval_operator(final OPERATOR op_id, final double lhs, final double rhs) throws ParseError { switch (op_id) { case AND: return (int) lhs & (int) rhs; case OR: return (int) lhs | (int) rhs; case BITSHIFTLEFT: return (int) lhs << (int) rhs; case BITSHIFTRIGHT: return (int) lhs >> (int) rhs; case EQUAL: return (lhs == rhs) ? 1.0 : 0.0; case UNEQUAL: return (lhs != rhs) ? 1.0 : 0.0; case SMALLER: return (lhs < rhs) ? 1.0 : 0.0; case LARGER: return (lhs > rhs) ? 1.0 : 0.0; case SMALLEREQ: return (lhs <= rhs) ? 1.0 : 0.0; case LARGEREQ: return (lhs >= rhs) ? 1.0 : 0.0; case PLUS: return lhs + rhs; case MINUS: return lhs - rhs; case MULTIPLY: return lhs * rhs; case DIVIDE: return lhs / rhs; case MODULUS: return modulus(lhs, rhs); case XOR: return (int) lhs ^ (int) rhs; case POW: return Math.pow(lhs, rhs); case FACTORIAL: return factorial(lhs); } throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 104); } /** * evaluate a function */ double eval_function(final String fn_name, final double value) throws ParseError { // first make the function name upper case String fnUpper = fn_name.toUpperCase(); // arithmetic if (fnUpper.equals("ABS")) { return Math.abs(value); } if (fnUpper.equals("EXP")) { return Math.exp(value); } if (fnUpper.equals("SIGN")) { return sign(value); } if (fnUpper.equals("SQRT")) { return Math.sqrt(value); } if (fnUpper.equals("LOG")) { return Math.log(value); } if (fnUpper.equals("LOG10")) { return Math.log10(value); } // trigonometric if (fnUpper.equals("SIN")) { return Math.sin(value); } if (fnUpper.equals("COS")) { return Math.cos(value); } if (fnUpper.equals("TAN")) { return Math.tan(value); } if (fnUpper.equals("ASIN")) { return Math.asin(value); } if (fnUpper.equals("ACOS")) { return Math.acos(value); } if (fnUpper.equals("ATAN")) { return Math.atan(value); } // probability if (fnUpper.equals("FACTORIAL")) { return factorial(value); } // unknown function throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 102, fn_name); } /** * evaluate a variable */ double eval_variable(final String var_name) throws ParseError { // first make the variable name uppercase String varUpper = var_name.toUpperCase(); // check for built-in variables if (varUpper.equals("E")) { return Math.E; } if (varUpper.equals("PI")) { return Math.PI; } // check for user defined variables if (user_var.containsKey(varUpper)) { double ans = user_var.get(varUpper).doubleValue(); return ans; } // unknown variable throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 103, var_name); } /** * calculate factorial of value for example 5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 120 */ static double factorial(double value) throws ParseError { double res; int v = (int) value; if (value != v) { throw new ParseError(400, "factorial"); } res = v; v--; while (v > 1) { res *= v; v--; } if (res == 0) res = 1; // 0! is per definition 1 return res; } /** * calculate the modulus of the given values */ static double modulus(double a, double b) throws ParseError { // values must be integer int a_int = (int) a; int b_int = (int) b; if (a_int == a && b_int == b) { return a_int % b_int; } else { throw new ParseError(400, "%"); } } /** * calculate the sign of the given value */ static double sign(double value) { if (value > 0) return 1; if (value < 0) return -1; return 0; } }
The below class is the exception handler for the above parser program.
/** * Class ParseError */ class ParseError extends Exception { /** * Create an error with given message id and fill in given string in message * @PARAM id id of the message * @PARAM str a string which will be filled in in the message */ ParseError(final int id, final String str) { row_ = -1; col_ = -1; id_ = id; msg_ = String.format(errorMsg(id_), str); } /** * Create an error with given message id and fill in given string in message * @PARAM id id of the message */ ParseError(final int id) { row_ = -1; col_ = -1; id_ = id; msg_ = errorMsg(id_); } /** * Create an error with given message id and fill in given string in message * @PARAM row row where the error occured * @PARAM col column where the error occured * @PARAM id id of the message * @PARAM str a string which will be filled in in the message */ ParseError(final int row, final int col, final int id, final String str) { row_ = row; col_ = col; id_ = id; msg_ = String.format(errorMsg(id_), str); } /** * Create an error with given message id and fill in given string in message * @PARAM row row where the error occured * @PARAM col column where the error occured * @PARAM id id of the message */ ParseError(final int row, final int col, final int id) { row_ = row; col_ = col; id_ = id; msg_ = errorMsg(id_); } /** * Returns the error message, including line and column number */ final String get() { String res; if (row_ == -1) { if (col_ == -1) { res = String.format("Error: %s", msg_); } else { res = String.format("Error: %s (col %d)", msg_, col_); } } else { res = String.format("Error: %s (ln %d, col %d)", msg_, row_, col_); } return res; } int get_id() { return id_; } /// Private functions /** * Returns a pointer to the message description for the given message id. * Returns "Unknown error" if id was not recognized. */ private String errorMsg(final int id) { switch (id) { // syntax errors case 1: return "Syntax error in part \"%s\""; case 2: return "Syntax error"; case 3: return "Parentesis ) missing"; case 4: return "Empty expression"; case 5: return "Unexpected part \"%s\""; case 6: return "Unexpected end of expression"; case 7: return "Value expected"; // wrong or unknown operators, functions, variables case 101: return "Unknown operator %s"; case 102: return "Unknown function %s"; case 103: return "Unknown variable %s"; case 104: return "Unknown operator"; // domain errors case 200: return "Too long expression, maximum number of characters exceeded"; // error in assignments of variables case 300: return "Defining variable failed"; // error in functions case 400: return "Integer value expected in function %s"; // unknown error case 500: return "%s"; } return "Unknown error"; } /// Data private int row_; /// row where the error occured private int col_; /// column (position) where the error occured private int id_; /// id of the error private String msg_; }
3 Response to Mathematical Expression Parser in Java
Thanks for this. Really useful.
I need a parser to read user input and output responses. This is perfect
Awesome.. Thank you for sharing..
Thanks a lot man. You made my day!.
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