Sunday, May 15, 2011

JavaScript Add/Remove Rows/Columns in HTML Table

In this Article we will create a user interface (UI) where user can Add or Delete Rows or Columns in a HTML Table using JavaScript. Our UI contains one HTML table and 5 Buttons. The functionalities of all these buttons are described here. AddRow will add a new row to the existing table and AddColumn  will append a new column to the existing table.  You can also remove multiple rows at a time by selecting multiple checkboxes and hitting DeleteSelectedRows Button. DeleteColumn  button will delete one row from the table and finally DeleteAllRows  will delete all the rows from the table. 

Programmatically with insertRow() method you can insert a new row at the specified position in HTML table. After row is created, use insertCell() method to insert a table cell. You can use deleteRow() method to delete an particular row from the table.

Try the demo here.

The html code looks like the below -

<input type="button" value="Add row" onClick="addRow()" />
<input type="button" value="Add column" onClick="addColumn()" />
<input type="button" value="Delete selected rows" onClick="deleteSelectedRows()" />
<input type="button" value="Delete column" onClick="deleteColumn()" />
<input type="button" value="Delete all rows" onClick="deleteAllRows()" />
<table id="my_table" align="center" border="2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td><input type="checkbox" ></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><select><option value="1">Bhubaneswar<option value="2">Mumbai<option value="3">Banglore</select></td>

<td><input type="checkbox" ></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><select><option value="1">Bhubaneswar<option value="2">Mumbai<option value="3">Banglore</select></td>

JavaScript required for the above demo as follows -

// Add row to the HTML table
function addRow() {    
 var table = document.getElementById('my_table'); //html table
 var rowCount = table.rows.length; //no. of rows in table
 var columnCount =  table.rows[0].cells.length; //no. of columns in table          
 var row = table.insertRow(rowCount); //insert a row            
 var cell1 = row.insertCell(0); //create a new cell           
 var element1 = document.createElement("input"); //create a new element           
 element1.type = "checkbox"; //set the element type 
 element1.setAttribute('id', 'newCheckbox'); //set the id attribute         
 cell1.appendChild(element1); //append element to cell
 var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);            
 var element2 = document.createElement("input");            
 element2.type = "text"; 
 element2.setAttribute('id', 'newInput'); //set the id attribute
 var cell3 = row.insertCell(2);            
 var element3 = document.createElement("select");
 element3.setAttribute('id', 'newSelect'); //set the id attribute      
 //Create options dynamically. This will not work in mozilla.
 var option1 = document.createElement("option"); //create a option element
 option1.text = "Bhubaneswar"; //set the text for option
 option1.value = "1"; //set the value for option
 element3.add(option1); //add option to select box  
 var option2 = document.createElement("option");
 option2.text = "Mumbai";
 option2.value = "2"; 
 var option3 = document.createElement("option");
 option3.text = "Banglore";
 option3.value = "3";

 //Add the cells for more than 3 columns
 if(columnCount >= 3){
  for (var i=4; i<=columnCount; i++) {
   var newCel = row.insertCell(i-1); //create a new cell           
   var element = document.createElement("div"); //create a div element
   var txt = document.createTextNode("cell "+i); //create a text element
   element.appendChild(txt); //append text to div      
   newCel.appendChild(element); //appent div to cell

// delete the selected rows from table
function deleteSelectedRows() {    
 var table = document.getElementById('my_table'); //html table
        var rowCount = table.rows.length; //no. of rows in table          
 for(var i=0; i< rowCount; i++) { //loops for all row in table               
  var row = table.rows[i]; //return a particular row              
  var chkbox = row.cells[0].childNodes[0]; //get check box onject               
  if(null != chkbox && true == chkbox.checked) { //wheather check box is selected                   
   table.deleteRow(i); //delete the selected row                    
   rowCount--; //decrease rowcount by 1                   

// append column to the HTML table
function addColumn() {    
 var tblHeadObj = document.getElementById('my_table').tHead; //table head
 for (var h=0; h< tblHeadObj.rows.length; h++) {
  var newTH = document.createElement('th');
  tblHeadObj.rows[h].appendChild(newTH); //append ne th to table
  newTH.innerHTML = 'Column '+ (tblHeadObj.rows[h].cells.length); //append th content to th

 var tblBodyObj = document.getElementById('my_table').tBodies[0]; //table body
 for (var i=0; i< tblBodyObj.rows.length; i++) {
  var newCell = tblBodyObj.rows[i].insertCell(-1); //create new cell
  newCell.innerHTML = 'cell '+ (tblBodyObj.rows[i].cells.length); //append data to cell

// delete table rows with index greater then 0
function deleteAllRows() {    
 var tbl = document.getElementById('my_table'); // table reference        
 lastRow = tbl.rows.length - 1; // set the last row index           
 // delete rows with index greater then 0    
 for (i = lastRow; i > 0; i--) {        
  tbl.deleteRow(i);  //delete the row  
// delete last table column
function deleteColumn() {    
 var allRows = document.getElementById('my_table').rows;
 for (var i=0; i< allRows.length; i++) {
  if (allRows[i].cells.length > 3) {
   allRows[i].deleteCell(-1); //delete the cell
  } else {
   alert("You can't delete more columns.");

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mathematical Expression Parser in Java

This program is a fantastic Math expression parser which will take your expression and give you the result. It is a console based application and all type of complex expressions are supported with user friendly error messages. The exception handler class is separated from the main parser class. First let’s have a look at the Parser class –

 Math Expression parser
 This Program is a simple Math expression evalutaor written in java.

import java.util.*;

 * @author Tapas
public class Parser {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  Scanner in = new Scanner(;
  Parser prs = new Parser();
  String expr;

  System.out.println("Enter an expression and press Enter to calculate the result.");
  System.out.println("Enter an empty expression to quit.");

  do {
   // request an expression
   System.out.print("> ");
   expr = in.nextLine();

   if (expr.length() > 0) {
    // evaluate the expression
    String result = prs.parse(expr);
    System.out.println("\t" + result);
  } while (expr.length() > 0);

 // private data
 private String expr; // holds the expression
 private int expr_pos; // points to the current position in expr
 private char expr_c; // holds the current character from expr

 private String token; // holds the token
 private TOKENTYPE token_type; // type of the token

 private double ans; // holds the result of the expression
 private String ans_str; // holds a string containing the result of the expression

 // list with variables defined by user
 private Map user_var = new HashMap();
 // private enumerations
 private enum TOKENTYPE {

 private enum OPERATOR {

  * Initializes all data with zeros and empty strings
 Parser() {
  expr = "";
  expr_pos = -1;
  expr_c = '\0';

  token = "";
  token_type = TOKENTYPE.NOTHING;

  * parses and evaluates the given expression On ParseError, an ParseError of type
  * ParseError is thrown
 String parse(final String new_expr) {
  try {
   // initialize all variables
   expr = new_expr; // copy the given expression to expr
   ans = 0.0;

   // get the first character in expr

   // check whether the given expression is empty
   if (token_type == TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER && expr_c == '\0') {
    throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 4);
   ans = parse_level1();

   // check for garbage at the end of the expression
   if (token_type != TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER || token.length() > 0) {
    if (token_type == TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER) {
     // user entered a not existing operator like "//"
     throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 101, token);
    } else {
     throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 5, token);

   // add the answer to memory as variable "Ans"
   user_var.put(new String("ANS"), new Double(ans));
   ans_str = String.format("Ans = %g", ans);
  } catch (ParseError err) {
   ans_str = err.get();

  return ans_str;

  * Shortcut for getting the current row value (one based) Returns the line
  * of the currently handled expression
 int row() {
  return -1;

  * Shortcut for getting the current col value (one based) Returns the column
  * (position) where the last token starts
 int col() {
  return expr_pos - token.length() + 1;
  * checks if the given char c is a minus
 boolean isMinus(final char c) {
  return c == '-';

  * checks if the given char c is whitespace whitespace when space chr(32) or
  * tab chr(9)
 boolean isWhiteSpace(final char c) {
  return c == 32 || c == 9; // space or tab

  * checks if the given char c is a delimeter minus is checked apart, can be
  * unary minus
 boolean isDelimeter(final char c) {
  return "&|<>=+/*%^!".indexOf(c) != -1;

  * checks if the given char c is NO delimeter
 boolean isNotDelimeter(final char c) {
  return "&|<>=+-/*%^!()".indexOf(c) != -1;

  * checks if the given char c is a letter or undersquare
 boolean isAlpha(final char c) {
  char cUpper = Character.toUpperCase(c);
  return "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_".indexOf(cUpper) != -1;

  * checks if the given char c is a digit or dot
 boolean isDigitDot(final char c) {
  return "0123456789.".indexOf(c) != -1;

  * checks if the given char c is a digit
 boolean isDigit(final char c) {
  return "0123456789".indexOf(c) != -1;

  * checks if the given variable name is legal to use, i.e. not equal to
  * "pi", "e", etc.
 boolean isLegalVariableName(String name) {
  String nameUpper = name.toUpperCase();
  if (nameUpper.equals("E"))
   return false;
  if (nameUpper.equals("PI"))
   return false;

  return true;

  * Get the next character from the expression. The character is stored into
  * the char expr_c. If the end of the expression is reached, the function
  * puts zero ('\0') in expr_c.
 void getChar() {
  if (expr_pos < expr.length()) {
   expr_c = expr.charAt(expr_pos);
  } else {
   expr_c = '\0';

  * Get the first character from the expression. The character is stored into
  * the char expr_c. If the end of the expression is reached, the function
  * puts zero ('\0') in expr_c.
 void getFirstChar() {
  expr_pos = 0;
  if (expr_pos < expr.length()) {
   expr_c = expr.charAt(expr_pos);
  } else {
   expr_c = '\0';

  * Get next token in the current string expr. Uses the Parser data expr, e,
  * token, t, token_type and err
 void getToken() throws ParseError {
  token_type = TOKENTYPE.NOTHING;
  token = ""; // set token empty

  // skip over whitespaces
  while (isWhiteSpace(expr_c)) // space or tab

  // check for end of expression
  if (expr_c == '\0') {
   // token is empty
   token_type = TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER;

  // check for minus
  if (expr_c == '-') {
   token_type = TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER;
   token += expr_c;

  // check for parentheses
  if (expr_c == '(' || expr_c == ')') {
   token_type = TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER;
   token += expr_c;

  // check for operators (delimeters)
  if (isDelimeter(expr_c)) {
   token_type = TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER;
   while (isDelimeter(expr_c)) {
    token += expr_c;

  // check for a value
  if (isDigitDot(expr_c)) {
   token_type = TOKENTYPE.NUMBER;
   while (isDigitDot(expr_c)) {
    token += expr_c;

   // check for scientific notation like "2.3e-4" or "1.23e50"
   if (expr_c == 'e' || expr_c == 'E') {
    token += expr_c;

    if (expr_c == '+' || expr_c == '-') {
     token += expr_c;

    while (isDigit(expr_c)) {
     token += expr_c;


  // check for variables or functions
  if (isAlpha(expr_c)) {
   while (isAlpha(expr_c) || isDigit(expr_c)) {
    token += expr_c;

   // skip whitespaces
   while (isWhiteSpace(expr_c)) // space or tab

   // check the next non-whitespace character
   if (expr_c == '(') {
    token_type = TOKENTYPE.FUNCTION;
   } else {
    token_type = TOKENTYPE.VARIABLE;


  // something unknown is found, wrong characters -> a syntax Error
  token_type = TOKENTYPE.UNKNOWN;
  while (expr_c != '\0') {
   token += expr_c;

  throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 1, token);

  * assignment of variable or function
 double parse_level1() throws ParseError {
  if (token_type == TOKENTYPE.VARIABLE) {
   // skip whitespaces
   while (isWhiteSpace(expr_c)) // space or tab

   // check the next non-whitespace character
   if (expr_c == '=') {
    String var_name = token;

    // get the token '='

    // assignment
    double ans;
    ans = parse_level2();

    // check whether the token is a legal name
    if (isLegalVariableName(var_name)) {
     user_var.put(var_name.toUpperCase(), new Double(ans));
    } else {
     throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 300);
    return ans;

  return parse_level2();

  * conditional operators and bitshift
 double parse_level2() throws ParseError {
  OPERATOR op_id;
  double ans;
  ans = parse_level3();

  op_id = get_operator_id(token);
  while (op_id == OPERATOR.AND || op_id == OPERATOR.OR
   ans = eval_operator(op_id, ans, parse_level3());
   op_id = get_operator_id(token);

  return ans;

  * conditional operators
 double parse_level3() throws ParseError {
  OPERATOR op_id;
  double ans;
  ans = parse_level4();

  op_id = get_operator_id(token);
  while (op_id == OPERATOR.EQUAL || op_id == OPERATOR.UNEQUAL
    || op_id == OPERATOR.SMALLER || op_id == OPERATOR.LARGER
    || op_id == OPERATOR.SMALLEREQ || op_id == OPERATOR.LARGEREQ) {
   ans = eval_operator(op_id, ans, parse_level4());
   op_id = get_operator_id(token);

  return ans;

  * add or subtract
 double parse_level4() throws ParseError {
  OPERATOR op_id;
  double ans;
  ans = parse_level5();

  op_id = get_operator_id(token);
  while (op_id == OPERATOR.PLUS || op_id == OPERATOR.MINUS) {
   ans = eval_operator(op_id, ans, parse_level5());
   op_id = get_operator_id(token);

  return ans;

  * multiply, divide, modulus, xor
 double parse_level5() throws ParseError {
  OPERATOR op_id;
  double ans;
  ans = parse_level6();

  op_id = get_operator_id(token);
  while (op_id == OPERATOR.MULTIPLY || op_id == OPERATOR.DIVIDE
    || op_id == OPERATOR.MODULUS || op_id == OPERATOR.XOR) {
   ans = eval_operator(op_id, ans, parse_level6());
   op_id = get_operator_id(token);

  return ans;

  * power
 double parse_level6() throws ParseError {
  OPERATOR op_id;
  double ans;
  ans = parse_level7();

  op_id = get_operator_id(token);
  while (op_id == OPERATOR.POW) {
   ans = eval_operator(op_id, ans, parse_level7());
   op_id = get_operator_id(token);

  return ans;

  * Factorial
 double parse_level7() throws ParseError {
  OPERATOR op_id;
  double ans;
  ans = parse_level8();

  op_id = get_operator_id(token);
  while (op_id == OPERATOR.FACTORIAL) {
   // factorial does not need a value right from the
   // operator, so zero is filled in.
   ans = eval_operator(op_id, ans, 0.0);
   op_id = get_operator_id(token);

  return ans;

  * Unary minus
 double parse_level8() throws ParseError {
  double ans;

  OPERATOR op_id = get_operator_id(token);
  if (op_id == OPERATOR.MINUS) {
   ans = parse_level9();
   ans = -ans;
  } else {
   ans = parse_level9();

  return ans;

  * functions
 double parse_level9() throws ParseError {
  String fn_name;
  double ans;

  if (token_type == TOKENTYPE.FUNCTION) {
   fn_name = token;
   ans = eval_function(fn_name, parse_level10());
  } else {
   ans = parse_level10();

  return ans;

  * parenthesized expression or value
 double parse_level10() throws ParseError {
  // check if it is a parenthesized expression
  if (token_type == TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER) {
   if (token.equals("(")) {
    double ans = parse_level2();
    if (token_type != TOKENTYPE.DELIMETER || !token.equals(")")) {
     throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 3);
    return ans;

  // if not parenthesized then the expression is a value
  return parse_number();

 double parse_number() throws ParseError {
  double ans = 0.0;

  switch (token_type) {
  case NUMBER:
   // this is a number
   ans = Double.parseDouble(token);

  case VARIABLE:
   // this is a variable
   ans = eval_variable(token);

   // syntax error or unexpected end of expression
   if (token.length() == 0) {
    throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 6);
   } else {
    throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 7);

  return ans;

  * returns the id of the given operator treturns -1 if the operator is not
  * recognized
 OPERATOR get_operator_id(final String op_name) {
  if (op_name.equals("&")) {
   return OPERATOR.AND;
  if (op_name.equals("|")) {
   return OPERATOR.OR;
  if (op_name.equals("<<")) {
  if (op_name.equals(">>")) {

  if (op_name.equals("=")) {
  if (op_name.equals("<>")) {
  if (op_name.equals("<")) {
  if (op_name.equals(">")) {
  if (op_name.equals("<=")) {
  if (op_name.equals(">=")) {

  if (op_name.equals("+")) {
   return OPERATOR.PLUS;
  if (op_name.equals("-")) {

  if (op_name.equals("*")) {
  if (op_name.equals("/")) {
  if (op_name.equals("%")) {
  if (op_name.equals("||")) {
   return OPERATOR.XOR;

  if (op_name.equals("^")) {
   return OPERATOR.POW;

  if (op_name.equals("!")) {


  * evaluate an operator for given valuess
 double eval_operator(final OPERATOR op_id, final double lhs,
   final double rhs) throws ParseError {
  switch (op_id) {
  case AND:
   return (int) lhs & (int) rhs;
  case OR:
   return (int) lhs | (int) rhs;
   return (int) lhs << (int) rhs;
   return (int) lhs >> (int) rhs;

  case EQUAL:
   return (lhs == rhs) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
  case UNEQUAL:
   return (lhs != rhs) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
  case SMALLER:
   return (lhs < rhs) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
  case LARGER:
   return (lhs > rhs) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
   return (lhs <= rhs) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
  case LARGEREQ:
   return (lhs >= rhs) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

  case PLUS:
   return lhs + rhs;
  case MINUS:
   return lhs - rhs;

  case MULTIPLY:
   return lhs * rhs;
  case DIVIDE:
   return lhs / rhs;
  case MODULUS:
   return modulus(lhs, rhs);
  case XOR:
   return (int) lhs ^ (int) rhs;

  case POW:
   return Math.pow(lhs, rhs);

   return factorial(lhs);

  throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 104);

  * evaluate a function
 double eval_function(final String fn_name, final double value) throws ParseError {
  // first make the function name upper case
  String fnUpper = fn_name.toUpperCase();

  // arithmetic
  if (fnUpper.equals("ABS")) {
   return Math.abs(value);
  if (fnUpper.equals("EXP")) {
   return Math.exp(value);
  if (fnUpper.equals("SIGN")) {
   return sign(value);
  if (fnUpper.equals("SQRT")) {
   return Math.sqrt(value);
  if (fnUpper.equals("LOG")) {
   return Math.log(value);
  if (fnUpper.equals("LOG10")) {
   return Math.log10(value);

  // trigonometric
  if (fnUpper.equals("SIN")) {
   return Math.sin(value);
  if (fnUpper.equals("COS")) {
   return Math.cos(value);
  if (fnUpper.equals("TAN")) {
   return Math.tan(value);
  if (fnUpper.equals("ASIN")) {
   return Math.asin(value);
  if (fnUpper.equals("ACOS")) {
   return Math.acos(value);
  if (fnUpper.equals("ATAN")) {
   return Math.atan(value);

  // probability
  if (fnUpper.equals("FACTORIAL")) {
   return factorial(value);

  // unknown function
  throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 102, fn_name);

  * evaluate a variable
 double eval_variable(final String var_name) throws ParseError {
  // first make the variable name uppercase
  String varUpper = var_name.toUpperCase();

  // check for built-in variables
  if (varUpper.equals("E")) {
   return Math.E;
  if (varUpper.equals("PI")) {
   return Math.PI;

  // check for user defined variables
  if (user_var.containsKey(varUpper)) {
   double ans = user_var.get(varUpper).doubleValue();
   return ans;

  // unknown variable
  throw new ParseError(row(), col(), 103, var_name);

  * calculate factorial of value for example 5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 120
 static double factorial(double value) throws ParseError {
  double res;
  int v = (int) value;

  if (value != v) {
   throw new ParseError(400, "factorial");

  res = v;
  while (v > 1) {
   res *= v;

  if (res == 0)
   res = 1; // 0! is per definition 1
  return res;

  * calculate the modulus of the given values
 static double modulus(double a, double b) throws ParseError {
  // values must be integer
  int a_int = (int) a;
  int b_int = (int) b;
  if (a_int == a && b_int == b) {
   return a_int % b_int;
  } else {
   throw new ParseError(400, "%");

  * calculate the sign of the given value
 static double sign(double value) {
  if (value > 0)
   return 1;
  if (value < 0)
   return -1;
  return 0;


The below class is the exception handler for the above parser program.
 * Class ParseError

class ParseError extends Exception {

  * Create an error with given message id and fill in given string in message
  * @PARAM id    id of the message
  * @PARAM str   a string which will be filled in in the message
 ParseError(final int id, final String str)
  row_ = -1;
  col_ = -1;
  id_ = id;

  msg_ = String.format(errorMsg(id_), str);

  * Create an error with given message id and fill in given string in message
  * @PARAM id    id of the message
 ParseError(final int id)
  row_ = -1;
  col_ = -1;
  id_ = id;

  msg_ = errorMsg(id_);

  * Create an error with given message id and fill in given string in message
  * @PARAM row   row where the error occured
  * @PARAM col   column where the error occured 
  * @PARAM id    id of the message
  * @PARAM str   a string which will be filled in in the message
 ParseError(final int row, final int col, final int id, final String str)
  row_ = row;
  col_ = col;
  id_ = id;

  msg_ = String.format(errorMsg(id_), str);

  * Create an error with given message id and fill in given string in message
  * @PARAM row   row where the error occured 
  * @PARAM col   column where the error occured 
  * @PARAM id    id of the message
 ParseError(final int row, final int col, final int id)
  row_ = row;
  col_ = col;
  id_ = id;

  msg_ = errorMsg(id_);

  * Returns the error message, including line and column number
 final String get()
  String res;
  if (row_ == -1)
   if (col_ == -1)
    res = String.format("Error: %s", msg_);
    res = String.format("Error: %s (col %d)", msg_, col_);
   res = String.format("Error: %s (ln %d, col %d)", msg_, row_, col_);
  return res;

 int get_id()
  return id_;

 /// Private functions

  * Returns a pointer to the message description for the given message id.
  * Returns "Unknown error" if id was not recognized.
 private String errorMsg(final int id)
  switch (id)
  // syntax errors
  case 1: return "Syntax error in part \"%s\"";
  case 2: return "Syntax error";
  case 3: return "Parentesis ) missing";
  case 4: return "Empty expression";
  case 5: return "Unexpected part \"%s\"";
  case 6: return "Unexpected end of expression";
  case 7: return "Value expected";

  // wrong or unknown operators, functions, variables
  case 101: return "Unknown operator %s";
  case 102: return "Unknown function %s";
  case 103: return "Unknown variable %s";
  case 104: return "Unknown operator";

  // domain errors
  case 200: return "Too long expression, maximum number of characters exceeded";

  // error in assignments of variables
  case 300: return "Defining variable failed";

  // error in functions
  case 400: return "Integer value expected in function %s";

  // unknown error
  case 500: return "%s";

  return "Unknown error";

 /// Data  
 private int row_;    /// row where the error occured
 private int col_;    /// column (position) where the error occured
 private int id_;     /// id of the error
 private String msg_;